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Traxx AC1: overview  
From 1999, when the 185 001 for DB Schenker was completed, until the delivery of 185 557 to MRCE, Adtranz/Bombardier has been building 374 dual-frequency locomotives for predominantly freight services. DB Schenker's order for 200 of such units was the main driver behind the development of the Traxx AC1, as it was retrospectivily designated in 2003.

For (German) rail fans, this type is better known as 'Baureihe 185.0'. It is the dual-frequency version of the orginal 145-concept from the mid-nineties, with adjustments to make it better suitable for international freight services. It can run under both 15kV and 25kV AC voltage systems. The Traxx AC1 is used by operators in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxemburg, and France.

As the original 185 055 of DB Schenker was damaged in 2003, an replacement body for this unit was built by Bombardier in 2004. This is the 375th unit of the AC1 type.

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