__.__.2002 |
delivered to SBB Cargo AG, Basel [CH] "482 006-4" |
10.06.2002 |
in service[sub type CH/D] |
12.02.2004 |
hired to RBH - RAG Bahn and Hafen GmbH, Gladbeck [D] "243" [until 11.05.2004]
01.01.2007 |
Registration NVR-Number "91 85 4482 006-4 CH-SBBC"
__.__.200x |
hired to HGK - Häfen and Güterverkehr Köln AG, Köln [D] "482 006-4" [until __.__.2008]
[13.03.2008 i.E.] |
__.__.2009 |
hired to HSL Logistik GmbH, Hamburg [D] "482 006-4" [until __.__.200x]
__.__.201x |
hired to SBB Cargo International AG, Olten [CH] "482 006-4" |