__.__.2003 |
delivered to LC - Locomotion Capital NV/SA, Antwerpen [B] "185 519-6" |
24.01.2003 |
in service |
__.04.2003 |
=> ATC - Angel Trains Cargo NV/SA, Antwerpen [B] "185 519-6" |
__.__.2003 |
rebuilding[sub type D/L] |
22.07.2003 |
hired to CFL - Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Luxembourgeois [L] "185 519-6" [until 08.05.2006]
__.__.2006 |
rebuilding[sub type D/A] |
20.06.2006 |
hired to VPS - Verkehrsbetriebe Peine-Salzgitter GmbH, Salzgitter [D] "5603" [until 17.01.2011]
01.01.2010 |
=> Alpha Trains Belgium NV/SA, Antwerpen [B] "185 519-6" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 519-6 D-ATLU]
__.02.2011 |
hired to LTE Logistik- and Transport-GmbH, Graz [A] "185 519-6" [until 10.04.2011]
__.04.2011 |
hired to ITL - Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH, Dresden [D] "185 519-6" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 519-6 D-ITL]
[until __.__.2013]
26.04.2013 |
hired to CFL Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Niebüll [D] "185 519-6" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 519-6 D-CFLCA]
[until __.__.201x]
15.01.2018 |
hired to CFL Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Niebüll [D] "185 519-6" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 519-6 D-ATLU]
__.01.2023 |
hired to RTB CARGO GmbH, Düren [D] "185 519-6" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 519-6 D-ATLU]
[until __.__.2023]
__.__.2023 |
hired to Emons Bahntransporte GmbH, Dresden "185 519-6" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 519-6 D-ATLU]